It's gonna be a RANT, so, fair warning.... I am not asking for your Prayers for myself, I ask you for Prayers for the Woman I have called Wife for the last 23-ish years.....
Not to sound ""Cold"" about it, but I'm just a Stoic Man, and I don't do ""Please"" very well, and yes this is somewhat for me, on a ""Via""....
This Chapter of turmoil and strife began about three weeks ago, she decided to quit Drinking, and I'm guessing she is on the wagon Permanently, or the Demons Satan and Lucifer would not have ever attacked her in such a horrible way....
I know they only did this to hurt me, because they have never been able or strong enough to harm me directly, so they attack those whom I love and want Protected and happy....
Well, she chose to do this good thing for herself, and I was joining in for support, more for Strength and emotional stability than anything else, but Full Support....
I was on the way to actually Quitting Drinking also, that is when her headaches began, the first day on the Right side, next day on the Left side, and then full on Head Ache, with some lower belly discomfort, like Menstrual Cramps, as she described it....
Day 4, No Headaches, only Lower abdomen Pain, but not strong enough to take her down, she made a Stuffed Bell Peppers dinner....
This morning she woke up feeling well, with only minor discomfort, then she turned to get up and instantly became Racked with Massive Pain throughout her Abdomen and lower, As she described to me, from Sternum to Pelvis....
After a few hours of attempted Pain relief, various Positions, etc, the pain became unbearable, she/we, off to the Emergency we went, did NOT expect it to be almost Empty, but it was....
After the usual Tests, and a bunch of them, we found out she has a Rupture on the lower intestine, needed Surgery, and is NOW as of 18:00, or 6:00 pm, in surgery, for which I ask you to pray she makes it out without Complications, and with Jesus and Gods Blessings....
But this isn't the tricky part, the tricky part is in two or three months or so, when they go to put her back together, after wearing a Colostomy Bag for such a long time, because as I understand it, this second part, just doesn't always come together as planned or Predicted, and usually ends up in a Second more Permanent Colostomy Bag....
I BEG you folks to Pray she is Shielded from this second part, the Failure to take in the connection of the two parts, she doesn't deserve this level of humiliation, she is of a good Heart, an Old Soul who cares about everyone, and has helped others when they were in need, whether I thought they deserved it or not, She still helped....
I ask for you to PRY for her to be Protected from the Covid Vaxxxes they push in Hospitals as we are Both Pure Bloods, she readily listened, and then investigated what I told her, and she knows the risks, unfortunately this time we just could not avoid going to beg help from those who might do harm via Needles, Please Pray she is protected from that....
I don't know if my writing is correct in what I am asking, or if it translates the urgency I feel, I'm just a Man, a Cowboy, Soldier, Roughneck, WV Coal Hauler, and at this point, feeling like I'm losing yet another piece of my Self, as with my first Wife, when Satan or Lucifer Corrupted our Life, and set us against each other with one or more of their Minions....
Both of them will go to heaven, I already know this, I simply ask that you Pray for Shae to make it through this attack without Permanent harm and Damage, And with the Least Pain, Minimal Pain, and Fastest Healing that only God and Jesus can provide....
She deserves soo much better a Man than me, but, here we are, and it is what it is, and I'm crying through my beers, while writing this through my fears, and my sticism fights back my Tears, yet She an I know we are only Souls having a Human Experience, and That is why I am asking for Your Prayers of Healing, from Jesus and God, and the absolute Minimization of her Pain, Discomfort, and suffering, and to please bring her out of the TWO surgeries, especially the Second one with absolute Best results....
I thank you all for reading this, and for your prayers, and will do a followup when things change....
May God Bless all of you, Your Families, Your Communities, States, and I pray you all reach Heaven....
Sorry about the Rantings and ramblings....
But when Satan and Lucifer Attack me Indirectly, I just go there....
Prayers up! 🙏🏻