A top administrator at the primary hospital system where I live required all the employees to get vaxxed in 2021 to keep their jobs and got jabbed herself. Her family was proud of her being a tough negotiator. Recently she was diagnosed with a rare cancer. Privately she has shared with her family that she now seriously thinks the vax is the cause. This scenario is playing out repeatedly across the country.
One would hope that, in a situation like this, the admin would at least quit. Maybe she thinks she needs the job for the health insurance, which of course, is circular logic as it was "health care" that caused the cancer in the first place. To quote Aldous Huxley, “You pays your money and you takes your choice.”
A top administrator at the primary hospital system where I live required all the employees to get vaxxed in 2021 to keep their jobs and got jabbed herself. Her family was proud of her being a tough negotiator. Recently she was diagnosed with a rare cancer. Privately she has shared with her family that she now seriously thinks the vax is the cause. This scenario is playing out repeatedly across the country.
One would hope that, in a situation like this, the admin would at least quit. Maybe she thinks she needs the job for the health insurance, which of course, is circular logic as it was "health care" that caused the cancer in the first place. To quote Aldous Huxley, “You pays your money and you takes your choice.”
“It’s Easier to Fool People Than It Is to Convince Them That They Have Been Fooled.” – Mark Twain