Last night as I was lying in bed a thought suddenly came to me regarding the 2024 election. It was an idea I hadn't really considered but now seems rather obvious to me as a very real possibility. If this has already been discussed before then I apologize for arriving late to the party. Anyways let's begin.
Lately the idea I've seen that seems to be floating around in our circles is that there won't even be an election next year because something big is coming. Whether that be WW3, an EMP, a series of false flags, banking crisis, cyberattacks, or some combination of these. Up until last night I had been leaning towards that train of thinking myself. However, what if instead of some apocalyptic scenario that we've been wargaming out something surprising happens instead? What if we manage to arrive at November 5th and have our election day after all?
This isn't to say that there won't be attempts to prevent an election if the deep state feels that there's no other way to stop Trump but it's possible that, like many of their previous attempts, it simply won't be enough. Perhaps they'll be prevented by good actors or the people will see through the attempts as a thinly-veiled excuse to circumvent the election and the psy-op falls apart. Either way, for the sake of argument, let's assume that despite the looming madness of 2024 that we get to vote for our president in the end. Furthermore, let's say that in spite of their best efforts to rig the election for Biden (or whoever turns out to be their candidate of choice) that the cheating can't overcome the landslide in favor of Trump and they get blindsided again like in 2016.
Now, in this scenario what do you think the deepstate would decide to do? Would they just go quietly into the night and mutter "dagnabbit he got us again!" or would they instead go for a desperate hail-mary because they know if they don't at least try then they're going to be sent to prison or even be executed for their treason. I think you know the answer to that. We're dealing with cornered rabid animals after all. I think at that point they would seek to cling to power even if it appeared completely unhinged to the general public. In short: what if the corporate media and the democrats collude once again to try one final narrative?
Imagine after Trump's victory the MSM suddenly starts running headlines like "In order to save democracy we must override democracy!" and "Hitler was elected to power too" or something ridiculous along those lines. Completely insane to most of us but some of their more brainwashed followers could bite off on it. Then the democrats say that for the good of the country that they won't be leaving office.
What happens then? Constitutional crisis? Would a constitutional crisis not make for a great precipice moment in America? Is this not the sort of thing that might require the military to justifiably step in and forcibly remove the swamp from the government due to committing blatant treason in front of all to see? There would be no denying who the traitors are at that point, they will have finally exposed themselves before the entire country, normies included.
One of the things I find compelling about this theory is that it would be a way for us to reconcile the fact that "the power is in the peoples' hands" and also that the "military is the only way". Both are in fact true. WE need to vote and THEY need to fulfill their constitutional obligation to the people and to their rightful commander-in-chief at the appointed time.
Just my opinion, so don’t pounce on me. I’m not dooming here, just voicing a huge and valid concern.
From what I can fathom, Militaries in the Five Eyes countries and most of the West if they have them at all) are massively compromised. A lot of the honourable ones left or were booted out with the Covid/Vaxx nonsense. I honestly do not know if members will consider going against the hierarchy as being their Duty (ie upholding the Constitution, going against actual foreign and domestic enemies), or going AGAINST their duties. Maybe a few years ago it would have been a non-issue, but there are too many in the Militaries now, that follow the Woke brainwashing. A lot of the brass, especially. I think they will need a MASSIVE and definitive wake-up call of some sort before they will do anything other than turn on the populace, thinking they are in the right in doing so. I really hope I’m wrong!
Don't worry I certainly won't pounce on you for valid concerns. This has actually been something that I've wrestled with myself (having been discharged from the Army over the vaxx). Ultimately it will come down to what the commanders choose to do.
The lower level soldiers, both enlisted and officers will just go along with whatever the upper brass decide on. In this particular case I think we just have to take Trump's word for it that there are still good field commanders (you know, the officers that are actually in charge of serious commands) and that the woke ones we see like Milley are merely puppets for the television. I think that those fake generals who side with the deepstate will be promptly taken care of by the good ones. Assuming we trust in the plan after all.
I have said previously that I think there is a great likelihood that the election (if conducted) will be the precipice. The outcome will be the spark that leads to an explosion. The only difference is how soon the explosion happens. If Trump is allowed to win, the streets will explode overnight. If the other guys declare victory, patriots will go into a defensive posture. The left will claim a mandate and overreach and some incident akin to the Bundy ranch will occur, this time with actual firefights.
The military will be forced to act.....which side will they choose? As a retired soldier and federal contractor, I've watched the decay of our military professionally and ethically for over 40 years. I am not as sanguine about that choice as are many on this board.