This nimrod doesn't get it. Florida isn't claiming to know more than the CDC. They know EXACTLY what the CDC knows and are simply choosing NOT to ignore those pesky clotting, myocarditis, cancer, and sudden death cases that keep popping up with increased frequency. They also realize that the "vaccinated" keep catching covid. These shots are useless at best, poison at worst. Pointing out those facts should be the duty of everyone. Continuing to push the shots is evil.
This nimrod doesn't get it. Florida isn't claiming to know more than the CDC. They know EXACTLY what the CDC knows and are simply choosing NOT to ignore those pesky clotting, myocarditis, cancer, and sudden death cases that keep popping up with increased frequency. They also realize that the "vaccinated" keep catching covid. These shots are useless at best, poison at worst. Pointing out those facts should be the duty of everyone. Continuing to push the shots is evil.