Question for Planefags
✈️ Planefags ✈️
We just heard a plane go over our house that sounded like it was close enough to take the roof off! I immediately opened the flight tracker ap on my phone and there were no planes showing in the area. This has happened several times over the last month. Any thoughts on this??
Military planes do not have to adhere to sound restrictions (so, very noisy, even when further away).
Plus, when they are on an active mission they do not have to appear on 'public' radar.
A few minutes after the plane flew over, a white car flew past the house with its siren blaring. The car did not look like the local fire dept vehicle. The webcam captured a picture of the car but I can't make out the emblem or the wording on the trunk. Oh well, probably not related anyway. Thanks everyone for your input - it was educational!
My buddy flew C-130's all over the planet. Occasionally we have one go overhead that shakes the house. He explained to me that they often do low level flight training (terrain following) and when they are that low (at least here in New England) radar can't always pick them up due to natural obstructions.
Sometimes they will climb high enough for their final approach and become visible on radar with call sign, heading, speed, etc.
Look and see which base(s) are nearby and see what is flying in and out.