yes probably sounds crazy, but Q mentioned batteries/the Matrix. and when we work backwards from the main objective/who the 'enemy' is (President Trump called it the 'invisible enemy of All of humanity')...
think we're dealing with something 'other' than us/children of darkness/don't have the spark. And 'their' VMAT2 seeking vaccine was the way for Them to identify & manipulate those With a soul. which they want to find because of built in 'enmity'. the way they're wired, to be jealous, etc.
the video said people who have the inner 'connection', have various reactions after reading 'religious' text. also makes it sound like it's aimed at the middleast/Koran, etc. but it could be the Bible/a fundamentalist.
so I think the deep state's plan was to seek Christians. but Q turned it on them and collected All the evidence. and now Q is using the vaccine to do the opposite; find people without the 'spark'/our oppressors. Jesus' parable about the wheat & tares backs it up; the tares need to be separated. and Grassley just mentioned harvest. also, Fauci means 'reaper' what does that mean in Q's movie?🤔🕵️
And no, I didn't see that about the Queen/thanks! will have to look it up. so many connections with her too...things definitely aren't what they seem.
yes probably sounds crazy, but Q mentioned batteries/the Matrix. and when we work backwards from the main objective/who the 'enemy' is (President Trump called it the 'invisible enemy of All of humanity')...
think we're dealing with something 'other' than us/children of darkness/don't have the spark. And 'their' VMAT2 seeking vaccine was the way for Them to identify & manipulate those With a soul. which they want to find because of built in 'enmity'. the way they're wired, to be jealous, etc.
the video said people who have the inner 'connection', have various reactions after reading 'religious' text. also makes it sound like it's aimed at the middleast/Koran, etc. but it could be the Bible/a fundamentalist.
so I think the deep state's plan was to seek Christians. but Q turned it on them and collected All the evidence. and now Q is using the vaccine to do the opposite; find people without the 'spark'/our oppressors. Jesus' parable about the wheat & tares backs it up; the tares need to be separated. and Grassley just mentioned harvest. also, Fauci means 'reaper' what does that mean in Q's movie?🤔🕵️
And no, I didn't see that about the Queen/thanks! will have to look it up. so many connections with her too...things definitely aren't what they seem.