They are both afflicted with permanent disabilities. One is allergic to all nuts, the other has moderate ADHD. Out of 8 friend families, only two have healthy neurotypical children. The rest all have at least one child that has some neurological disorder, ADHD or autism. I’m so saddened by this. And now we learn the phiser vaxx has DNA in it. This is a nightmare only beginning to unfold. Thankfully we did not get this vaccine but now we have to watch what happens to those who were fooled.
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Do some research on b.bifidus. Vaxxines wipe out normal gut flora - especially bifidus. This wiping out of bifidus is associated with autism, dementia, bipolar, and other mental/neurological conditions as well as IBS, allergies, and eczema. Many kids with autism have gut issues. Half of the brain's neurotransmitters are in the gut as well as a huge part of the immune system. The gut is the second brain. Getting the gut healthy is a move forward in dealing with this crime. Do your homework though. Yogurt is not going to turn this around - especially the usual sugar loaded garbage sold in most stores. It is a process. Heavy metals must also be detoxed - carefully or they redistribute in the body. If you can, find an alternative provider that deals with autistic kids. Check and see what protocols and treatments they are using.
I do agree but I think that the knowledge on gut flora is not well understood yet and probiotics aren’t necessarily the answer just yet but it is promising.
Read Gut and Psychology Syndrome
They have only actually identified a small number of critters that populate the gut. But what is amazing is that bifida appears to be a huge player. Numbers are low, or absent, in people with certain conditions. The research is showing that vaxxines appear to negatively affect bifida populations and that seems to be a factor in mental disorders, allergies, eczema, etc.
I was listening to one gal who probably the world's best expert in this particular wheelhouse and she had some interesting things to report about what she has found. Her research has been looking into the the vaxxine damage on the gut in people like kids with autism. She has actually cured some kids with autism using fecal transplants. One of the problems she is currently facing is finding healthy donors after the rollout of the Rona jab. I guess it really does a number on gut flora - especially bifida.
Of course more research is needed, but some treatments with repopulating the gut, especially in children with autism, is showing some very promising results. Andy Wakefield made the connection years ago that kids with autism had gut problems. No one listened to him. There is a link.
I’ve seen some articles connecting gut flora to food allergies and made my kids take probiotics for years.
Can't go wrong there. Everyone needs them. Our modern American society is woefully lacking these important foods in our diets - so they have to come from somewhere.
This is so important! I never gave my daughter any vaccines, but she had horrible teeth from sleeping with juice bottles as a toddler. She had IBS and rashes whenever she ate gluten or too much sugar. I would supplement her diet with high doses of b. bifidus and her symptoms improved, but never totally went away. Then we fixed her teeth (she had 8 cavities) and all her IBS/rashes went away after a month. My theory is her body was under constant attack from chronic tooth infections and it had killed off and kept down the good bacteria in her gut.
Someone on this site first steered me toward the importance of good gut flora. It could have even been you! So, thanks to you and anyone else spreading this info!
You are welcome. Yes, decay in both children and adults can reek havoc on the body - not only by severely stressing the immune system, but also creating the environment that allows more pathogenic bacteria to thrive all through the digestive tract. Sugar and other carbs create an acidic environment that favors populations not conducive to health including yeast. What people also do not understand is that when the gut flora becomes altered, it will not revert to healthy population levels unless it is forced to do so by the introduction of healthier strains and dietary changes. They don't make themselves out of thin air and it is a two pronged approach. Not only does there need to be a constant source of good bugs, but the conditions also need to be in place that favor a healthy environment for them to thrive.
The acids produced by carbs, especially simple sugars, leach the minerals out of a tooth making it weak thereby leading to breakdown - decay. The acids produced by the decay itself in return keeps the cycle going. Children's teeth are not only smaller, but the surface enamel is not completely calcified when they are born and can easily be damaged. I saw my far share of bottle mouth in my twenty some years of practice.
DoTerra makes a toothpaste that contains hydroxyapatite. That is the natural mineral complex of calcified tissue in the body. The key is to use it like medicine and not a cleaner. Brush the teeth with a small amount of baking soda to neutralize acids or just use a damp toothbrush. People need to get over the conditioning that they have to use toothpaste to clean their teeth. Before going to bed, take a tiny amount of the doTerra and brush it onto the teeth. Do not rinse it off. The doTerra is safe to swallow as it does not contain any nasty chemicals. But use it sparingly. It takes about 20 minutes for the hydroxyapatite to uptake onto the enamel surface so putting it on the teeth before crawling into the rack is best since it will be undisturbed. This is also a good strategy for mouth breathers.
As a practitioner, if ever I was allowed to have some say before and during the time a woman was pregnant, I counseled them on a good diet and supplement regiment. Included in that regiment were fermented foods and probiotics. Babies guts are pretty much a blank slate when they are born and the populations of flora they will have comes from mom. Therefore, if mom is harboring unhealthy levels, chances are the baby will as well. In addition, if I had a mom that was prone to decay themselves, I got them on xylitol gum until their child was about two. The xylitol would dampen s.mutans which is a huge player in tooth decay. I knew I was dealing with altered flora in adults with perio disease as well. After years of being a clinician, you can almost tell there were huge dental problems in a patient by just looking at their face.
The gut biome is huge and I educated myself on it when the first links came out about the connections with the altered flora being linked to coronary disease back in the eighties. Needless to say, most of my colleagues poo pooed the idea.
Keep your daughter on probiotics - especially the bifida. She has already demonstrated a tendency in a bad direction and is therefore susceptible. Watch the halides. That includes chlorine from water and bromine additives in foods and beverages. Fluoride goes without saying. All these halides demolish healthy flora and also can lead to thyroid and other endocrine problems as they compete with iodine. Once there is a gluten problem, it usually does not go away. It can always be there at lower levels running in the background. That can lead to more chronic issues down the road as it is doing its job more slowly over time.
Remember that just because someone may seem to have turned the corner on an acute situation does not mean that the environment that caused the problem in the first place has been removed. The immune system has already been primed. That never really goes away and can rear its ugly head if the conditions are right. I had a friend who's daughter suffered with severe eczema and gut problems as a toddler. I sent her to one of my colleagues that treated the biome and diet problems - the daughter got better. In fact, the whole family was better with the changes. Years later when this daughter left home and went off to college, the eczema came back with a vengeance because of eating like a typical college student and the stress. Her skin was so bad that she had to leave college and come back home. It took a year to finally get her settled back down. Needless to say, my friend's daughter learned the hard way that vigilance is key.
Good luck to you.