posted ago by MAGAguerrilla ago by MAGAguerrilla +11 / -0

The recent FBI raid on the Utah man, who was murdered, serves as an example of what not to do when resisting tyranny. Before I go any further, I condemn the Utah man's intentions-assuming he was serious-it would backfire on the MAGA movement regardless of if he succeeded or not. It would be akin to the IRA assassinating Margret Thacter before Bloody Sunday and other acts of oppression by the Brits-if it wasn't for Bloody Sunday, more people would view the IRA as terrorists.

Of course there's a lack of evidence that the FBI was justified in their actions, chances are this is another of the FBI murdering a wheelchair-bond innocent man who wasn't much of a threat.

The recent raid also serves as a reminder of why OPSEC is important to resisting a tyrannical government. Just ask yourselves: ever notice that these FBI raids always target individuals who telegraph their intentions and plans on social media or in other words bad OPSEC? Had the Utah man-again assuming he was serious-kept his mouth shut and simply didn't post his intentions on the web, he could've carried out his plans, which again I condemn. Of course the fact that these "successful" FBI raids on "alt right extremists" always being people with bad OPSEC, won't stop the left using those anecdotes, as "proof" that resistance against a tyrannical government is futile and mocking militias and MAGA patriots for preparing for it.

The Utah man in the FBI, should serve as an example of how NOT to resist a tyrannical government. One of the biggest threats to resistance, isn't the Military or the FBI-it's bad OPSEC. If and when the day to resist tyranny ever comes, the militias and other patriots resisting must use and practice good OPSEC: that means no social media posts about plans or intentions and no cell phones present.

This isn't a call for action and like I said I don't condone terrorism, but again if you're serious about resisting a tyrannical US government, and want to win, as well as defeat the Left in the 2nd civil war, which will most likely be a guerrilla war-since the MAGA insurgency would be fighting an army that lost to rice farmers and goat herders-just remember "loose lips sink ships".

Plus, currently the Left is underestimating the Right: they think all the militia guy are fat rednecks with no OPSEC and incapable of shooting, let alone winning a battle against antifa or the US military. This puts the right at a huge advantage, but only if good OPSEC is used. Blow away the Left's stereotypical exceptions of the Right, by being more competent, smarter, and use better than OPSEC. And it can it start by not telegraphing plans and intentions, via social media.