Tonight I tested ChatGPT's new IMAGE ANALYSIS capability on one of my memes and I'm absolutely Blown Away by its ability to not just accurately describe the meme , but you also accurately discern what the meme was about! Here we go, folks... It's coming...
🧐 Research Wanted 🤔
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It's not describing the image you posted?
Yes, it is describing the meme, above comment in that detail
I think FondueFerret is asking because the text of the meme doesn't match with the text in your comment's conversation > "What the deep state thinks they're doing to us..." vs. "yeah, things are stressful right now." Did ChatGPT change the text on its own?
Oh, I see. Do you mean changed the text on the meme itself?
No I'm thinking you showed it a meme with different text than what I'm seeing in your OP? Either that or it changed the text on its own, OR there's hidden text there my eyes aren't seeing. I just maybe need more coffee? lol.