CPS is full of anti father sickos. The mother's can do what ever the hell they want short of out right murder and CPS will hand the kids over to her. One of my friends just went though the "reunification" process and lost both of his kids to this system. It was odd because originally both kids didn't want to go to moms (were crying about it) but there was court ordered time with the mother he had to comply with. after a month with very little word from the kids over monitored phone calls mom went dark. turns out there was an accusation made and CPS kid napped the kids at the airport as they were coming back to the fathers state. no word to the father about it for 3 days he was going nuts. CPS kept those kids for well over 6 months and never heard from his kids again. not even a letter or text. All is said and done the kids decided to live with mom and he still has had absolutely no contact. but is on the hook for support of course. I think the kids were brain washed in the initial 6 months in CPS captivity. We still don't understand exactly what happened to them there. but according to CPS and the mother they don't want to talk to dad at all? what happened to the kids begging not to be forced to visit mom? something is very wrong with the CPS system.
CPS is full of anti father sickos. The mother's can do what ever the hell they want short of out right murder and CPS will hand the kids over to her. One of my friends just went though the "reunification" process and lost both of his kids to this system. It was odd because originally both kids didn't want to go to moms (were crying about it) but there was court ordered time with the mother he had to comply with. after a month with very little word from the kids over monitored phone calls mom went dark. turns out there was an accusation made and CPS kid napped the kids at the airport as they were coming back to the fathers state. no word to the father about it for 3 days he was going nuts. CPS kept those kids for well over 6 months and never heard from his kids again. not even a letter or text. All is said and done the kids decided to live with mom and he still has had absolutely no contact. but is on the hook for support of course. I think the kids were brain washed in the initial 6 months in CPS captivity. We still don't understand exactly what happened to them there. but according to CPS and the mother they don't want to talk to dad at all? what happened to the kids begging not to be forced to visit mom? something is very wrong with the CPS system.