Elon Musk is one step away from stating that we need President Trump back in office in order to solve the invasion of our southern border. The normies are being led one step at a time to the inevitable conclusion that President Trump was right about EVERYTHING!

What if Trump meant "within the next five months" they make him speaker, 25th Biden, Kamala can't be Pres and boom, guess who?🤷🏼♂️ it's starting to feel like McCarthy is fucking up on purpose.
Mcarthy is intentionally supposed to show how useless the Republican Party is without Trump. As there always has been rinos in lockstep with the enemy. This is how you expose the swamp and drain it entirely
More on that point: If Gaetz represents MAGA and the voice of Donald Trump, McCarthy represents the establishment, the RINO base, etc.
Having McCarthy there allows the distinction to be super clear. Remember, McCarthy was Trump's pic for Speaker. It's not too difficult to imagine that that McCarthy, establishment creature, was... 'persuaded'.... to cooperate and join Team Trump, and that the role chosen for him was to do exactly what he's doing: showing up the Establishment by clear contrast with MAGA.
But the idea that McCarthy being moved out at the right time, DJT being moved in, Biden 25thed, and Koala Hairy being bumped, well, that's at least a slightly plausible scenario. And to do that in the right time etc, you'd need to have McCarthy in there and plausible reasons to remove him.
Oh, my, but how the Cabalites and their brainwashed minions would totally freak out. I don't know that getting DJT in there via this method would be sustainable. Too traumatic. And while Maga would love it, many would suspect that its sort of 'cheating' or not playing by the rules, or kind of a "trick" to get DJT in there, which from the perspective of optics, would not be good at all.
He needs to unite the country, and he's worked darn hard NOT to divide it. At least, NOT to divide the people.
Getting Trump in through the Congress full of RINOs will be difficult. Which points to the bigger issue nobody ever talks about. If Trump were declared Prez tomorrow he would be blocked by Congress. They won't suddenly vote for a wall, against Ukraine, cut spending, and throw the invaders out. There is going to have to be mass arrests that cleans out Congress. Hard to imagine, but the alternative is for Trump to eke out a few wins while we elect a different Congress two and four years later.
Good points.