12 Pence looks different tonight. Maybe it’s bad lighting but the dude looks like he aged 10 years in the past month. Looks like a mark below his mouth and on the side of his neck. posted 1 year ago by IceK1ng 1 year ago by IceK1ng +12 / -0 Sorry, no picture to attach. 7 comments share 7 comments share save hide report block hide replies
That’s the mask…
That's how one looks when they realize they are on the losing end of NCSWIC. Ageing years in minutes or hours after realizing...or because their drug of choice is drying up because trafficking children is drying up.
It’s the embalming fluid.
Agreed, I saw it mentioned on social media
Just out of office in April of 2021, Pence underwent open heart surgery to implant a pace-maker. It could be the 'aged' look. Pence is 64 yrs old.
Not watching tonight, but the last few times I have seen him on tv or a pic of him in an article, he looks aged.