I generally watch every rally and speech, and listen to every non-financial X22 Report.
But because we're a bit ahead of the curve compared to a lot of people in the information realm (though we are all still learning), I can find it hard to fully invest in these things anymore.
Because narratives rely on repetition, no matter what it is. It's a known fact of politics. You gotta REPEAT.
But when you're already "there", the repetition starts to get tiresome.
I know what Dave will say a lot of the time, as it's generally a collected presentation of the anon news we all dig through.
I know what Trump says, and can time the "and I'm proud to be an American..." intros to the second.
I know it's an infowar, but sometimes you just want something big to happen publicly as a bit of catharsis, or at least the illusion of something happening.
Of course, my desire for even an illusion of something happening probably means I'm nowhere as intellectual as I think I am.
I don't know. I feel like "I'm already there", and need to start improving my immediate life with the morals and values I've developed in this movement, rather than wait for some big slow-moving clandestine operation to appease my need for a clean wrap up of the narrative.
I watch President Trump nowadays, simply to see if there are any comms.
It's hard to stay engaged, but it's harder to unplug.
If you feel like you know everything, you know nothing.
If you feel like you are done learning, you are correct.
If you keep an open mind and stay humble, you can listen to Trump's good ole "repetitive" speeches and stay completely hype through the parts you know, and be delighted by the parts you don't.
Remember being a kid and everyone reading The Night Before Christmas/ the Bible's Christmas story together?
Where is that same level of hype energy?
We've caught them all... if you think the movement is repeating itself NOW, wait til after the hammer drops!!!!!!!
The calls of "I TOLD YOU SO" will ring out forever.