CaptainQirk 0 points ago +1 / -1

Who provides CPAC ID lanyards? How do attendees go about getting them? How do you sign up to attend CPAC?

Are typos common? Interesting that Vincent's ID says "Vinent". Is this a comm of some kind?

If it is, it's an old comm.. still, it's worth finding out what we can about him, no matter how obscure.

CaptainQirk 2 points ago +2 / -0

Directly behind Trump, wasn't visible until after the shot. Camera lingered on him after the shot, as he seemed to calmly assess the situation and fiddle with his phone.

CaptainQirk 8 points ago +8 / -0

This is Vincent Fusca, who has been the source of many theories since the start. Some believe it's JFK Jr in Disguise.

deleted -2 points ago +3 / -5
CaptainQirk 2 points ago +3 / -1

The roof that was conveniently unguarded.

You do understand that the whole point of crisis actors is to make them look convincing, yes?

CaptainQirk 5 points ago +6 / -1

You know what crisis actors are, yes?

Without using a mainstream media article, prove to me that somebody died.

This is a psychological operation.

CaptainQirk 3 points ago +3 / -0

Bear in mind that we're still a Commonwealth country under the supposed rule of rich inbred kidfuckers.

Gun culture would be a thing if we had the balls to declare independence before the rise of drone warfare.

Now we're just in a sad surveillance state and Australia is full of Chinese.

CaptainQirk 4 points ago +5 / -1

"What you seem to be claiming"

Try actually looking at what I'm claiming.

Look past your own nose.. and look at his nose. And ears.

Facial wrinkles are easily faked, since they use latex facial applications cast from a single mold

CaptainQirk 4 points ago +4 / -0

Could it be that most of these donors simply lack the ability or desire to actually pay attention to politics outside of their groupthink bubble?

If you paid ANY attention, you'd know he was senile.

But this tells me that whenever they had their donation/fundraiser dinners, that it must have been very scripted.

CaptainQirk 7 points ago +7 / -0

I feel like the term "Choke" may also refer to the primary Joe Biden being hanged, hence bizarre emotional Dem shock at Biden being what he always is

CaptainQirk 10 points ago +10 / -0

That's true.

When your whole job is reading teleprompters, too, it's not that hard to change what gets written. If what's on the prompter matches your 4am talking points, you're good to go.

As to why nobody realizes anything's amiss?

Remember that CNN got new ownership. The previous owner Chris Licht came in and first thing he did was organise the CNN Town Hall with Trump and Kaitlan Collins. The Left were baffled and furious.

Chris cops all the shit, then quits or is fired somehow.

Enter the current guy. Say he's a white hat.

You lead your staff down a path of self-destruction. You essentially control what they say and do on camera.

You engineer this situation completely- and for bonus points, make sure that EVERYONE KNOWS that this is officially CNN branded. Plaster your CNN logo everywhere, send out weak attention grabbing lawsuits to Tim Pool and other debate analysts.

It's controlled demolition of all the fake news. Death by a thousand cuts.

CaptainQirk 24 points ago +24 / -0

I sincerely think that White Hats control the Obama and Biden doubles.

The media is just now realising that they aren't in control.

Now watch as they all eat each other alive and discredit each other.

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