Neither communists nor fascists actually care about the particulars of any of the issues mentioned here. They divide people along these lines in order to maintain control.
Russia has historically been fighting Nazis (so-called fascists) and Bolsheviks (so-called communists). They're two wings of the same bird. The bird is called authoritarianism.
Trudeau doesn't care at all about gays, global warming, your health, etc. Obviously. He only cares about doing what his masters tell him to do in order for them to maintain control.
Neither communists nor fascists actually care about the particulars of any of the issues mentioned here. They divide people along these lines in order to maintain control.
Russia has historically been fighting Nazis (so-called fascists) and Bolsheviks (so-called communists). They're two wings of the same bird. The bird is called authoritarianism.
Trudeau doesn't care at all about gays, global warming, your health, etc. Obviously. He only cares about doing what his masters tell him to do in order for them to maintain control.
Bingo. He's just a sock puppet with Anal Schwab's hand shoved firmly up his ass.