There are (maybe) 10 in the House who are trying to put it back the way it should be. The only way we can gain a FootHold is to Shut the government down. Then, the SENATE and the WH can no longer expect an Omnibus Bill, or a Budget that is jam packed full of pork for them and is 1000 pages long with only 15 minutes to read it before they must vote on it.
This way the Appropriations Committee can Write a Bill concerning one department of our government such as Military. Ask how much is needed, argue about what can be CUT from it to save the taxpayers money, come up with a True Amount and then pass the bill in the House. This is the only way to actually make CUTS to our BUDGET. This is the way it was done before 1997 changed the way Appropriations was given out.
So stand tall and hold the line with these 10 Patriots who are working to TRY their best to gain control. If they can't then we may possibly lose the House again.
There are (maybe) 10 in the House who are trying to put it back the way it should be. The only way we can gain a FootHold is to Shut the government down. Then, the SENATE and the WH can no longer expect an Omnibus Bill, or a Budget that is jam packed full of pork for them and is 1000 pages long with only 15 minutes to read it before they must vote on it.
This way the Appropriations Committee can Write a Bill concerning one department of our government such as Military. Ask how much is needed, argue about what can be CUT from it to save the taxpayers money, come up with a True Amount and then pass the bill in the House. This is the only way to actually make CUTS to our BUDGET. This is the way it was done before 1997 changed the way Appropriations was given out.
So stand tall and hold the line with these 10 Patriots who are working to TRY their best to gain control. If they can't then we may possibly lose the House again.