Great video on how we preceive reality
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Taking this as a frame of reference, what are the implications of introducing chemicals that interfere with the natural functions of the body.... more specifically if there were a kryptonite, for lack of better term, that inhibits the pineal gland and causes it to calcify and become disabled, what effect does that then have on not just our own perceived reality but also reality as a whole, since of course we are all sharing in the projected reality?
If one were to look at Nikoli Tesla and came to the conclusion that He had a very strong link to knowledge that most of us view as fantastical, one could deduce using the information in the above video that indeed there is so much information surrounding us but we are only perceiving 5% of it. People like Tesla then were truly not genius in their own rights but just tuned into a channel that most of us lack the ability to see.
What's in a name? Take mine on here for instance. Maybe you've seen me around in here, commenting etc. What is the meaning then of my name here, and within that context consider as humans we truly are limited only by our natural being. We always move forward within invention in order to expand our horizons, using technology to open those doors of perception. I'm beginning to believe we all have abilities that would completely change how we all look at reality, but, we have been hijacked and taken off that path by an evil enslaving entity that does not want us to have what God gave us as our birthright. We have been taught everything we know by that entity, enslaved within our own minds not individually but as a whole. Unless the majority of us have that epiphany at the same time, as a whole we will never break free from the projections that enslave us. One of us alone can be described as being lost in the Grand canyon in perpetual night, using only a candle to guide our way. The only way for us to perceive beyond that darkness we must become one together, creating one bright consolidated light in order to see the entire canyon we are in, together we can illuminate our path and finally see past our single light, as one. Problem is we are taught to be individuals by the demon that loathes what God gave us, His light, and as such humanity has lost its way.
Just a morning rant, for what it's worth. Have a great day!!
Just this gland? "Somewhere in there is our mind" He just doesn't know but thats not his fault, Orch-OR wasn't known about.
Flouride calcifies our Pineal and stops it working.Young people can decalcify it. but its probably too late for older people.