What do you do when some family and friends say "all you say / think are negative about the world"
I get this a lot. "You are so negative about everything, your outlook, worldview, nobody will want to be friends with you"
Sometimes I get "all the people you praise, most people view negatively, and the people you praise like Trump most people frown upon"
I stand my ground insisting I tell the truth at any cost, but in some ways, it hurts because it does feel isolating and alone. I get that being alone is one of the costs of telling the truth in this world. How do ya'll handle this?
I invite them to imagine a world where Americans from all races and backgrounds are united. Where we come together to stop the sexual exploitation of children and women. Really take care of the homeless , military veterans, and senior citizens. And, we work together to build a country we can all be proud to call home. That’s what MAGA and President Trump are about.