What do you do when some family and friends say "all you say / think are negative about the world"
I get this a lot. "You are so negative about everything, your outlook, worldview, nobody will want to be friends with you"
Sometimes I get "all the people you praise, most people view negatively, and the people you praise like Trump most people frown upon"
I stand my ground insisting I tell the truth at any cost, but in some ways, it hurts because it does feel isolating and alone. I get that being alone is one of the costs of telling the truth in this world. How do ya'll handle this?
You aren't alone. I have one family member in particular who responds with hostility. It can be very draining,
I believe much of it comes down to one of the lines from Paul Harvey's "If I were the devil" broad cast where he said, "If I were the devil, I would deify science".
The ones among my friends and family that are most resistant are the ones that have put science on the throne of their lives. The have good relations with the Christians in the family but have an attitude of "that's nice for them, but ...". The problem is there is no logical explanation for what we are trying to wake them up to. It is evil and therefore it completely overturns the apple cart.