Sorry if this sounds stupid, but I am technologically challenged!
Would simply switching a phone to 4g resolve the issue?
(This post is meant to find a possible way to allay fears some might have about the upcoming test, NOT a discussion about whether or not to “fear”! Thanks for your cooperation!)
Someone correct me if I am wrong. It is my understanding the 3g, 4g 5g etc are similar to tv, Am, Fm singals. They are there within boundaries of their broadcast zone. You need a receiver to decode the signal. People are talking about Farady-ing or turning off their devices to not allow reception and decoding if the broadcast signal. I am afraid phone users may find the message awaiting in que when they power back up just as you received missed texts and phone calls when you power back your phone from a drained battery. You can probably avoid the ATSC and FM tests by turning off OTA tv’s and radios. (Not smart tv’s)