posted ago by Narg ago by Narg +154 / -0


For more details on #Plasmidgate outside of twitter I would refer you to the original substack from Kevin McKernan here and the whole testimony of Dr Phillip Buckhaults here.

Just for background, it’s important to know what plasmid DNA is - it’s the lab-based circular DNA particles that is replicated in big vats of poo and then used to create the mRNA that goes into your “short lived” vaccine.

It’s a lab tool so should never be in a drug injected into a human. It’s not allowed to be there. It’s like having a drug that requires arsenic as a substrate to make it, and then throwing the leftover arsenic into the actual drug that gets injected into you.

But this article is not directly about the discovery of Plasmid DNA in the Pfizer and Moderna jabs (that has been now verified by 6 labs worldwide).

It’s about the special properties of the contents of that DNA and the RNA that is made from it, combined with the RNA that accompanies it (the jabs have the stated RNA in them as well as the stowaway DNA).

You see, it turns out that there are at least 5 different mechanisms for that DNA-RNA-protein combination to take that DNA into the nucleus of your cells. And that wasn’t on the advertising brochure was it?

. . . Summary

I’ve come to the end of this little trip around the “mRNA” COVID vaccine sequences and their intentional absolutely coincidental properties that make transfer of their plasmid DNA into the genome highly likely. And of course this is dose dependent so the more doses you have the more likely the plasmid fragments will be to integrate into your genomic DNA.

Fortunately they thought about all this when they rolled out the therapy and they also thought about the impact in gametes (sperm and egg cells) which would pass on that signal to the next generation.

And on that note I will leave you with an excellent graphic from an anoymous(e) twitter account which should give you an idea of the scale of the problem that we could be dealing with in terms of heritability of these DNA fragments.

(Jaw-dropping graphic follows)