If it's going to happen, it can just as easily happen without people prophesizing about it.
And if it doesn't happen, it's just another strike against us with the normie population thinking we're gullible and crazy.
Who prophesied? The guy even ended his post with "LOL" meaning he thinks it's a longshot, too.
Any way out of the mess the world is in is going to be a longshot. There is no non-crazy solution. If normies don't think you're gullible and crazy, you're doing it wrong.
I'm not talking about just that one guy who put "lol" on it. Just take a look through any of the dozen or so posts about McCarthy getting ousted.
People are getting serious, fast about this being Trump's way back to the Oval Office.
I thought one of our main purposes was to get normies over on our side. Get them to understand what is going on, so we can get the show on the road here.
How often do I see people here moaning that not enough normies are on the boat, so the White Hats can't do what they're here to do?
So why would normies be jumping on a boat full of people they think are gullible and crazy?
So all this is working AGAINST what we're supposed to be doing.
This is from the Welcome page here:
It's difficult to re-pill normies that are convinced we're gullible and crazy.
Who prophesied? The guy even ended his post with "LOL" meaning he thinks it's a longshot, too.
Any way out of the mess the world is in is going to be a longshot. There is no non-crazy solution. If normies don't think you're gullible and crazy, you're doing it wrong.
I'm not talking about just that one guy who put "lol" on it. Just take a look through any of the dozen or so posts about McCarthy getting ousted.
People are getting serious, fast about this being Trump's way back to the Oval Office.
I thought one of our main purposes was to get normies over on our side. Get them to understand what is going on, so we can get the show on the road here.
How often do I see people here moaning that not enough normies are on the boat, so the White Hats can't do what they're here to do?
So why would normies be jumping on a boat full of people they think are gullible and crazy?
So all this is working AGAINST what we're supposed to be doing.
This is from the Welcome page here:
It's difficult to re-pill normies that are convinced we're gullible and crazy.