Patrick Henry said give me liberty or give me death and is a founding father. Mcarthyism was the red scare where we ousted commies.
The Q team is literally having a blast with this.
I’m just saying what are the odds..and no one seems to be talking about it
Top Kek. Hat Tip to the white hats and all the operators out there making this happen.
Is that why trump wanted McCarthy as speaker in the first place? 😂
I'm convinced that Trump uses people to expose them.
I lean towards he back door deals with them in order to exonerate themselves from their past sketchy deals like insider trading and stuff so they are more than happy to comply vs jail or worse and they just go on publicly as they always would before. Q said some would get a pass. Obviously the ones with severe crimes won’t but if they just did some shady financial deals and stuff I could see them getting a pass for their service.