Common-sense instinct of self-preservation leads an intelligent person to be analytical and observant about Big Brother in all aspects. I read consp theories as a kid, before I even knew they were labeled as such. Once suspicious about deceit, you remain that way. Add to that the awareness of how easy it is for people to prioritize power and amassing wealth over looking out for the vulnerable. Really once you face the fact you are inside a genocide plan against humans by the dark side of your own government and that they perpetrate the sellng of infants for multiple purposes, how could one's eyes not be wide open.
Common-sense instinct of self-preservation leads an intelligent person to be analytical and observant about Big Brother in all aspects. I read consp theories as a kid, before I even knew they were labeled as such. Once suspicious about deceit, you remain that way. Add to that the awareness of how easy it is for people to prioritize power and amassing wealth over looking out for the vulnerable. Really once you face the fact you are inside a genocide plan against humans by the dark side of your own government and that they perpetrate the sellng of infants for multiple purposes, how could one's eyes not be wide open.