Too many of these stories
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A comment on my cousin's FB today, when he posted a photo of a positive at home covid test and day-quill severe cold and flu: " Oh no!! I just got the new variant booster two weeks ago. Go get it once you're recovered...I also got a flu shot and my first shingles shot at the same time. I got the updated COVID-19, flu, and first shingles shot all on the same day. It wasn't as bad as I thought it would be. Certainly not as bad as having any of those things."
I just sat there re-readng it a few times with my mouth open!
If these people don't die first, they will surely fall off the precipice before they understand what they have done to themselves and encouraged others to do, in the full reveal.
Very sad :(
Good grief … how can people still (Still!) be this ignorant?