Definitely a solid connection btwn Nazis eugenics and the Rockefeller medical industry, vaxx programs, and wait for it....
(Under the Nazi regime) "More than 400,000 people were sterilized against their will, while up to 300,000 were murdered under the Aktion T4 euthanasia program. Thousands more also died from complications of the forced surgeries, the majority being women from forced tubal ligations."
This doesn't even include the total people in concentration camps that were experimented on and killed. So chilling this level of evil.
If you look up some of the first transgender clinics it was also Nazi germany. At the top of the pyramid seems to be a cult of expert class scientists, doctors and engineers driving society and directing it. Aldous Huxley pretty much admitted as much in many of his quotes.
They know exactly how to build pyramids. But by telling us would free us from their control. This is basically the nerds from high school feeling they ar e better than us and and the world would be best if the rabble was all gone. Viruses have never been isolated. The entire vaccine virus industry is a narrative. The vaccines were and always will be genetic engineering. The same chemical testing in the concentration camps are now the “pharmaceutical” industry.
And concentration camps? 15 minute cities enforced by CBDC. So I expect a Weimar type hyperinflation soon which is why Potus needs to be speaker for the next phase of the plan.
Definitely a solid connection btwn Nazis eugenics and the Rockefeller medical industry, vaxx programs, and wait for it....
(Under the Nazi regime) "More than 400,000 people were sterilized against their will, while up to 300,000 were murdered under the Aktion T4 euthanasia program. Thousands more also died from complications of the forced surgeries, the majority being women from forced tubal ligations."
This doesn't even include the total people in concentration camps that were experimented on and killed. So chilling this level of evil.
And the total war deaths.
If you look up some of the first transgender clinics it was also Nazi germany. At the top of the pyramid seems to be a cult of expert class scientists, doctors and engineers driving society and directing it. Aldous Huxley pretty much admitted as much in many of his quotes.
They know exactly how to build pyramids. But by telling us would free us from their control. This is basically the nerds from high school feeling they ar e better than us and and the world would be best if the rabble was all gone. Viruses have never been isolated. The entire vaccine virus industry is a narrative. The vaccines were and always will be genetic engineering. The same chemical testing in the concentration camps are now the “pharmaceutical” industry.
And concentration camps? 15 minute cities enforced by CBDC. So I expect a Weimar type hyperinflation soon which is why Potus needs to be speaker for the next phase of the plan.
"The vaccines were and always will be genetic engineering."
Nails it. I'm so grateful the world population is starting to get this!!