Genius: Vacationing Family Poses As Illegal Immigrants To Get Free Hotel Room In New York City
NEW YORK, NY — The notoriously frugal Donaldson family cleverly posed as illegal immigrants, scoring a free week at a luxury hotel in downtown New York City.
I can't imagine what the hotel owners are thinking right now. Those illegals are going to have no respect for property or cleanliness. I bet the maids are quitting in droves. The insurance companies are going to be taking another hit.
The maids are illegals too.
I personally wouldn't. I have to agree with you.
I think those "free" hotel rooms come with a different "price."
Not sure if this is what you're referencing with your comment, but I do know that the government is paying a higher price per room than the veteran's organization that was paying a fair price.
No, I was referring to the physical and emotional price of staying in a hotel were illegal aliens fill every room. Would you stay there? "Free" or not?
I wouldnt want to shack up along with the illegals. Risking rape, abductions, even death to save some $? Lets watch this to the end.