Notice how NO direct reference is used for the assertions in the headline.
Newspunch aka ThePeople'sVoice consistently uses this method of posting CLICKBAIT headlines that 'appear' to be valid, but when you dig, there is no actual sauce for the assertions.
Clickbait, pure and simple.
Why do our pedes continue to post and push a known clickbait disinfo operation?
Baxter Dmitry = NEWSPUNCH clickbait disinfo website.
Notice how NO direct reference is used for the assertions in the headline.
Newspunch aka ThePeople'sVoice consistently uses this method of posting CLICKBAIT headlines that 'appear' to be valid, but when you dig, there is no actual sauce for the assertions.
Clickbait, pure and simple.
Why do our pedes continue to post and push a known clickbait disinfo operation?