I assume this is another case of Biden reading whatever comes up on the teleprompter regardless of whether they're instructions. Not sure if this hit the news yet. I just saw it on Fox tonight. The people working the teleprompter must be exhausted trying to figure out how to get this dope to not do such stupid stuff.
@0:58 in below video
I assume "Full Stop" was an instruction as opposed to text he was supposed to speak.
Day one,
"Salute the Marines."
He said it out loud as he walked right past them.
I was thinking of that when I saw the video.
It means “period” it’s what Britt’s say
Not sure on that. Full stop would be appropriate there spoken in that context
From the comments it seems that I might stand corrected. Certainly didn't seem to me that "Full Stop" belonged in that statement.
This is not a case of unintentionally reading teleprompter words. No teleprompter would have the words Full Stop when it's not the end of your comments. That's just crazy to even assert.
This is a case of someone lying, and feeling like they have to add to the lie so it become believable, like someone saying before telling you something, "This is the absolute truth", when they are getting ready to lie. Or "Let me make this perfectly clear", when what is said next is neither truthful or clear. Or, "Read my lips" before claiming you did not have sex with a woman.