I have zero faith in the medical community anymore, and less faith in any online resources spewing 'medical advice'. My 11yo son is going in for surgery soon, for removal of tonsils and adenoids. I know this is routine procedure nowadays so I am not at all worried, But I am curious, have any of you had this procedure done recently or know someone who has? Especially someone young. I had it done 30 years ago and I was too young to remember anything. I'm sure its much different today. Because of the surgery, he'll be out of school for a week but my hope is he'll be recovered enough in a few days. He's active and involved in sports and want to make sure he can resume his normal lifestyle in 4-5 days, but no idea what to expect in terms of recovery.
Any thoughts based on recent experiences greatly appreciated!
I definitely agree with you. Doctors seem to be in a hurry to cut things out or give us a pill these days. I started getting what the doctor calls high blood pressure out of the blue. He drew blood and sent me home with two pills to start taking. Two days later the blood work came in, my potassium was very low. Turns out, low potassium is one of the leading causes of high blood pressure. I asked him about this and he disagreed and said to continue with the pills. I never took them. Instead I started supplementing with potassium and my blood pressure went to normal within two days. We need to do our homework when it comes to OUR bodies. Maybe you could get a second opinion on your son? Better yet, find a local homeopathic clinic, especially one that has an MD in it.