I have zero faith in the medical community anymore, and less faith in any online resources spewing 'medical advice'. My 11yo son is going in for surgery soon, for removal of tonsils and adenoids. I know this is routine procedure nowadays so I am not at all worried, But I am curious, have any of you had this procedure done recently or know someone who has? Especially someone young. I had it done 30 years ago and I was too young to remember anything. I'm sure its much different today. Because of the surgery, he'll be out of school for a week but my hope is he'll be recovered enough in a few days. He's active and involved in sports and want to make sure he can resume his normal lifestyle in 4-5 days, but no idea what to expect in terms of recovery.
Any thoughts based on recent experiences greatly appreciated!
My daughter is 30 and she should’ve had hers removed- the doctor wanted to wait 2 see if she would get strep a fourth time in 3 months. She’s always had large tonsils since a newborn. Every illness goes right to her throat first- she constantly gets strep. Even to this day! You can see the puck marks on her tonsils from past infections. I would get it done now- he will be better off if he’s constantly getting sick from them.
Thank you for sharing. My son has had strep once and general sore throats fairly often. Yea, my wife's line of thinking is very much like yours w/ your daughter. It'll be a constant if we dont get them removed.