I have zero faith in the medical community anymore, and less faith in any online resources spewing 'medical advice'. My 11yo son is going in for surgery soon, for removal of tonsils and adenoids. I know this is routine procedure nowadays so I am not at all worried, But I am curious, have any of you had this procedure done recently or know someone who has? Especially someone young. I had it done 30 years ago and I was too young to remember anything. I'm sure its much different today. Because of the surgery, he'll be out of school for a week but my hope is he'll be recovered enough in a few days. He's active and involved in sports and want to make sure he can resume his normal lifestyle in 4-5 days, but no idea what to expect in terms of recovery.
Any thoughts based on recent experiences greatly appreciated!
Removing Tonsils was common when I was young. Had mine out about same age, for allergies supposedly. Tonsils tend to atrophy as you age into adulthood. Some people they remain large and get infected easily. Happens in kids also. Usually not removed unless recurring infections (such as strep throat) keep occurring, or are excessively large causing breathing/swallowing problems. I suppose your son is having such problems, in which case having them removed its a good option. When I was a kid, they used ether as a general anesthetic, lots of nausea. Today's general anesthesia is much better. Have a seasoned ENT surgeon do the procedure, that is what I would do if my kid.
Thank you for sharing and YES to everything you mentioned. Do you recall how long your recovery was? I'm hoping (perhaps overly optimistically) that he is back to his normal activities in a week.