posted ago by winn ago by winn +46 / -3

“Central bankers start the majority, if not all of the wars so that they can enslave the combating nations and make huge profits on whatever is possible. Israel was founded by the most powerful central banker on the planet [Rothschild] in order to grant protections through dual nationality and other perks of having a sovereign nation, so that crime could be practiced without fear of the usual reprisals. It was a state founded on deception and historical revision which displaced 700,000 inhabitants, who were already living in Palestine and they have been practicing genocide on them ever since.” Les Visible, researcher, 2011

The ‘Balfour Declaration’ of 1917 I would add to the above quoted reasons for the founding of Israel that the Rothschilds and their Zionist brethren also needed a strategically-placed ‘base’ in the epicentre of the Middle East from where they could wreak havoc on that region and wage their illegal wars on the multiplicity of Arab states that abound within short-range cruise missile launching distance, causing maximum disruption and unrest in their quest to subdue and conquer the entire world and ultimately to establish the ‘New World Order’ centred upon Israel.

This is the real reason that the Zionists were desperate to get their ‘Jewish homeland’ throughout the first half of the twentieth century and not, as they claimed’ through any sense of loyalty to Jews. Israel was conceived and built by Zionism, a movement founded in the late nineteenth century by one Theodor Herzl, an Ashkenazi Jew, to facilitate this push for the ‘Jewish homeland’ in the Holy Land. This movement was subsequently hi-jacked by the Elite and used as a central plank of their plan for world government, the so-called ‘New World Order’.

Have you ever wondered at the utter stupidity and crassness of creating a Muslim/Arab-hating enclave (I hesitate to call Israel a country in the truest sense of the word as it has no clear cut boundaries and is constantly expanding them, illegally) in the absolute centre of the Arab/Muslim world? Is it not almost guaranteed to cause conflict and mayhem in that region as ‘God’s chosen people’ fight for supremacy and grab the land of their neighbors as has been the case for the entire six decades plus of Israel’s existence?
