posted ago by jhartz39 ago by jhartz39 +99 / -0

Dan Scavino posted a video of a rainbow at 1:27 am.



The 127 post says the graphic is your key. It also says, "Hope the money was worth it" while talking about rogue intelligence agencies. Then he says, Titanic.

The graphic Q is talking about is posted in Q post 128 https://qanon.pub/#128

Here is an enlarged jpeg.


Notice the last Q post in this graphic is Q post 127.

Based on the word "Titanic" I think the CIA is about to sink. This is confirmed in Q post 129.


Getting back to the graphic, the series of Q posts, many talk about Saudi Arbia.

We know Saudi Arbia was cleaned up after Trump took office.

Let us look back on a few things from SA involving HRC and Obama.

Bill Allowing 9/11 Victims to Sue Saudi Arabia Becomes Law (Obama tried to VETO it, he was overruled)


9/11 happened under George Bush. Remember the cozy relationship GWB had with the Obama's?

Also, there were some Wikileaks emails from HRC talking about funding for ISIS coming from Qatar and SA which is mentioned in Q post 120 https://qanon.pub/#120

Qatar Gave Clinton Foundation A Million Dollar


Julian Assange: Isis and Clinton Foundation are both funded by Saudi Arabia and Qatar


WikiLeaks emails show Clinton was told Saudi Arabia and Qatar were secretly funding Isis


Last but not least, here is a video of Julian Assange saying the weapons sent to the middle east by HRC and the state department were falling into the hands of ISIS.


So, we have, 9/11 SA connection.

Obama trying to VETO the 9/11 survivor's bill.

We know Prince Alwaleed bin Talal funded Obama's Harvard tuition.

We have Qatar and Saudi giving money the Clinton Foundation.

HRC and State Department sending weapons to middle east that arms ISIS.

We must assume the rogue CIA intelligence agency was involved.

When you look at Q post 128, in brackets it says, [C][I][A] [is] [here] [p][r][a][y]

Who are our candidates for Speaker of the House?

Trump and Jordan.

If you didn't know:

Select Subcommittee on the Weaponization of the Federal Government

Who is the Chairman?


Have a good day my friends!!!