I don't "stand with Israel" the ethnic Jewish killed the Messiah and continue to PERSECUTE followers of Christ. Jerusalem was leveled in AD70 as judgment for this national sin (the rulers and crowd screamed "His blood be on us and on our children") and the remaining ethnic Jewish were scattered, of course some remained in the land. Those currently claiming to be Jews, are from what research I can gather, ethnic eastern European/European converts to Judaism. The "true Israel" today are those who repent of sin and follow Christ alone. Those in the land are not descended from Abraham (unless they are of the sons of Ishmael, the illegitimate son of Abraham and Hagar, who in general follow Islam, they are also not considered "true sons of Abraham" but were spared and even blessed because of Abraham. The peoples of the land also descended from the incestuous relationship of Lot with his daughters, and perhaps remnants of other invading people groups and/or people groups that were not destroyed and intermarried with jews o er the years. Even during Christs life on earth the Samaritans were considerd unclean because they were half breeds (remnant jews not deported following the destruction and deportation of Israel and Judah). The Israelites did NOT obey God and destroy the wicked idol worshipping nations in the land in the OT and have faced consequences for that sin over and over) both Judaism and Islam stand in the face of God Almighty and deserve judgment and Satan is perfectly content to use these wicked religions to draw many astray into eternal damnation.
I do pray for innocents and fellow Christians no matter their ethnicity. May Christ be glorified in all things. He has defeated sin and death!
Me, I stand against them. Whether they're direct descendants of David or are the synagogue of satan, makes no difference to me. The state of Israel is an obscene blight that actively engages with clandestine warfare against everyone, even their 'allies'. Cut off all support, let them stand alone and face the consequences of their policies
I don't "stand with Israel" the ethnic Jewish killed the Messiah and continue to PERSECUTE followers of Christ. Jerusalem was leveled in AD70 as judgment for this national sin (the rulers and crowd screamed "His blood be on us and on our children") and the remaining ethnic Jewish were scattered, of course some remained in the land. Those currently claiming to be Jews, are from what research I can gather, ethnic eastern European/European converts to Judaism. The "true Israel" today are those who repent of sin and follow Christ alone. Those in the land are not descended from Abraham (unless they are of the sons of Ishmael, the illegitimate son of Abraham and Hagar, who in general follow Islam, they are also not considered "true sons of Abraham" but were spared and even blessed because of Abraham. The peoples of the land also descended from the incestuous relationship of Lot with his daughters, and perhaps remnants of other invading people groups and/or people groups that were not destroyed and intermarried with jews o er the years. Even during Christs life on earth the Samaritans were considerd unclean because they were half breeds (remnant jews not deported following the destruction and deportation of Israel and Judah). The Israelites did NOT obey God and destroy the wicked idol worshipping nations in the land in the OT and have faced consequences for that sin over and over) both Judaism and Islam stand in the face of God Almighty and deserve judgment and Satan is perfectly content to use these wicked religions to draw many astray into eternal damnation. I do pray for innocents and fellow Christians no matter their ethnicity. May Christ be glorified in all things. He has defeated sin and death!
Christian's are to treat Israelis as God's chosen people,says the Lord, who can stand against them?
Me, I stand against them. Whether they're direct descendants of David or are the synagogue of satan, makes no difference to me. The state of Israel is an obscene blight that actively engages with clandestine warfare against everyone, even their 'allies'. Cut off all support, let them stand alone and face the consequences of their policies