Credit goes to my wife for seeing this somewhere online. They were referring to Obama’s name linked to the Hebrew words that Jesus spoke. Now I’m not saying or agreeing with Obama being Satan, heck no. To me he doesn’t fit the bill. But it is interesting that Barry’s name chosen resembles the words Jesus used to describe Satans ousting from Heaven. Baraq and bama.
Now of course “bama” meaning great heights, to me, doesn’t equal Heaven. But people do look up, when referring to Heaven. And of course lightning from the sky, also means lighting from above, sky, a long fall towards Earth. Great heights. To me the most interesting thing is, why is Barry’s name Barack Obama. Why did he choose that, or someone choose for him. Bill Cooper mentioned that a lot of this cabal, they are basically calling out God. Literally going line by line in revelations to call God out. Perhaps Obama’s name is in reference to that? Just another insult to God of Heaven.
With what’s going on even now with Israel. I think Bill Cooper hit the nail on the head. This is definitely a spiritual battle. And weapons cannot be used to defeat this enemy. But God can. I don’t mean the people of Iran or Afghanistan or even America. Not those enemies. The one true enemy. Pray for your enemies here upon Earth. They are deceived. Manipulated. We need God’s intervention like yesterday. When Q said PRAY. I take that part seriously.
He was named after his alleged father, Barack Hussein Obama Sr.
Exactly. Alleged. I’m not sure anything about Barry is true. The man is not only severely protected. He’s a mystery. Hopefully one that gets opened wide for all to see.