Moves and counter moves. WH deinstall the SOH whom was DS controlled purposed for sending repeated billions to Ukraine and thus funding DS money laundering, child sex and organ trafficking, and research / production of the next pandemic illness.
DS responds with sending Iran billions earmarked to support an terrorist OP (Hezbolla) that will destabilize peace negotiations for Israel (delay and disrupt WH OP), bring SA nearer being DS controlled (or at least influenced and cornered again), create a pocket war in the ME, and ultimately allow the 2020 insurance funding authorization to activate releasing billions more to Israel for secondary channel money laundering for upcoming election interference or stealing operations.
Upside is Rubio (DS)'s appropriation will shortly be off the table, so the next WH move to destabilize DS operations won't have to factor in that particular wild card of bribe / laundering money being available to the DS for their counter. Should be able to limit future maneuvering by DS if we force them to dump their reserve of appropriations into responding to WH moves (defense) rather than being able to focus exclusively on reorganizing and recapturing previously freed assets.
Moves and counter moves. WH deinstall the SOH whom was DS controlled purposed for sending repeated billions to Ukraine and thus funding DS money laundering, child sex and organ trafficking, and research / production of the next pandemic illness.
DS responds with sending Iran billions earmarked to support an terrorist OP (Hezbolla) that will destabilize peace negotiations for Israel (delay and disrupt WH OP), bring SA nearer being DS controlled (or at least influenced and cornered again), create a pocket war in the ME, and ultimately allow the 2020 insurance funding authorization to activate releasing billions more to Israel for secondary channel money laundering for upcoming election interference or stealing operations.
Upside is Rubio (DS)'s appropriation will shortly be off the table, so the next WH move to destabilize DS operations won't have to factor in that particular wild card of bribe / laundering money being available to the DS for their counter. Should be able to limit future maneuvering by DS if we force them to dump their reserve of appropriations into responding to WH moves (defense) rather than being able to focus exclusively on reorganizing and recapturing previously freed assets.