posted ago by mizzAmerica45 ago by mizzAmerica45 +149 / -0

I've noticed a mood change from people in the last little while, the stupid, petty stuff doesn't seem as important now.

And I had a normie actually tell me, this afternoon, on how disgusted they are with the open border...they said to me 'we're next if we don't do something now.' This is coming from a 'proud' biden voter.

I just hope it doesn't take an attack here on American soil to wake people up. Because we definitely have enemy pouring into this country right now. It's an invasion. The only difference is? We're [government] not stopping them. The FB timeline is quiet on my end...and typically people are posting left and right about all kinds of stuff. It's quiet....almost as if people are holding their breath or waiting for something.

I don't know, maybe it's just me..... Has anyone else noticed a change?