posted ago by NanaQ45 ago by NanaQ45 +28 / -1

Even the ELECT would be fooled....ARE YOU? DO YOU WISH GENOCIDE ON PALESTINIANS OR ISRAELIS? If you answered yes to either, you are the brainwashed problem. The Red Heafers have reached maturity. The 3rd temple can now be rebuilt. Jeez that pesky temple on the Temple Mount is a real problem, or is it? Probably not anymore. Where was that Iron Dome we've given billions for to Israel? If a bird sets it off, pretty sure a bunch of retards in hanggliders would too. Such a lovely coincidence for TPTB to slaughter more people, huh? And fulfill the prophesy.....and get the Christians all behind it too. No Christian ever heard of Zionism til the last couple hundred years. Wonder why? Did Jesus say protect these people? Nobody reads the Bible anymore. They just get sermonized and brainwashed at Church. Disgusting. Ukraine Nazis are out, Zionists are in. Let the money flow and the genocides begin.