275 Pick A Side! — No (media.greatawakening.win) posted 1 year ago by lovecymru 1 year ago by lovecymru +276 / -1 7 comments download share 7 comments share download save hide report block hide replies
I did.
I side with the children. All of them. Stupid adults and their twisted political ideologies need to stop killing people. I will no longer be manipulated by media and politics.
I pray for all their salvation. I don’t support one side to the destruction of the other. God is not willing that any should parish. 2 Pet. 3:9
I'm on the side of humanity. Not CIA or Mossad controlled by same deepstate with same goals.
Fuck that "pick a side" nonsense. None of these foreign wars are our fights
I pick the American side. The other two can go ride camels straight to Hell.
Exactly. Which side shall we aid in bombing and killing, in countries that ARE NOT OUR OWN?
Regardless of whether you or I pick a side, there are 2 groups of people that are willing to fight for that land