Hah, based on the economic situation in Europe right now I'd say they're just about tapped out as well. The money is drying up bit by bit. Now that we're at the Israel part of the plan maybe the economy's black swan event is right around the corner? It's the main thing I'm waiting for at this point.
For some reason this statement has a Charlottesville vibe to it.
Is there a video somewhere?
Israeli journalists are looking to corroborate the quote but according to Tal Schneider in this article here the supposed quote very much lines up with Bibi's governmental policy towards the Palestinians.
"Intelligence failures", eh?
Newsflash Dipshit:
There's no more money. We gave at the office. Go ask someone else.
I dunno... maybe Germany is good for it? 😂😂😂😂😂
Hah, based on the economic situation in Europe right now I'd say they're just about tapped out as well. The money is drying up bit by bit. Now that we're at the Israel part of the plan maybe the economy's black swan event is right around the corner? It's the main thing I'm waiting for at this point.
Yeah... where exactly did all the money go?
Central bank in virtually every single country milking everyone just the same as us ...
"Where's the money Lebowski? Where's the money? Bunny says you're good for it!"
Israeli journalists are looking to corroborate the quote but according to Tal Schneider in this article here the supposed quote very much lines up with Bibi's governmental policy towards the Palestinians.
And here's a quote from Gen. Hacohen concerning the matter: https://twitter.com/DanielSeidemann/status/1711338210679304483
...and an article from the Jerusalem post back in 2019: https://www.jpost.com/Arab-Israeli-Conflict/Netanyahu-Money-to-Hamas-part-of-strategy-to-keep-Palestinians-divided-583082