posted ago by Tewdryg ago by Tewdryg +44 / -2

As the 2024 election season heats up the FBI has created a new terrorism category to include Trump supporters. These policies have become a precedent that continues to grow for targeting an entire portion of the US population. This consists of many demographics in society including parents at school PT meetings, Christians, Catholics, children, Patriots, Veterans, of War, Constitutionalists, and even Off-grid Homesteaders and Survivalists. The list of Orwellian abuses continue to grow. We have learned that the J6 rally was heavily infiltrated by DS operatives and paid provocateurs. Ivan Raiklin provides really good information on the entire J6 false flag operation and how Ray Epps and BLM leader John Sullivan played an integral part in this false flag operation.

With all of these outrageous acts targeting Americans, it should be no surprise that the Patriot Front is another element being used to wage war against Americans. As Glenn Greenwall points out they are obviously fake and even an former J6 Committee member admits Patriot Front are federal officers. And it appears Patriot Front members were part of the J6 Capital building False Flag. The history of Patriot Front emerges from another white nationalist group called Vanguard America after the “Unite The Right Rally” in Charlottesville, Virginia, in 2017. This event was also concocted by Intelligence sources. In this article, the photo clearly shows that their propaganda aims at attaching itself to Trump’s ‘America First’ movement as being white supremacists. It’s a PsyOp propaganda war being waged. From the widespread targeting of patriotic American citizens, it should be clear to everyone that our federal government is at war with the American people. And by way of the Patriot Act, this regime has defined terrorism to terms not ever seen before.

At the helm of Patriot Front are government paid organizers, who recruit unwitting members to go through quasi-military training exercises. They are continuously scouting for prospective new members and searching for Black monuments to target for vandalism. Many people refer to Patriot Front as being ‘Feds’, but it goes much deeper with ties to Azov and Ukraine. Coincidentally, there’s also evidence that Ukrainians participated in the J6 false flag. These organizations have international ties. Do you recall when the reports that linked Antifa with ISIS? This suggests that Patriot Front is ‘something’ more than just a propaganda smearing operation. The article, “Antifa and ISIS – Same, Same but different” provides the amazing extent to which the tactics, rhetoric and belief system of these two groups are identical.

Are you starting to see where I’m going with this?

ISIS is a known Mossad/CIA run operation. We even have a photo of the leader of ISIS/IS, Al-Baghdadi standing next to John McCain. According to Edward Snowden, Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, the boss of ISIL (aka ISIS), is a Jewish actor named Simon Elliot. ISIS has been used effectively for committing terrorist acts in Syria and Iraq countries. It’s all part of the destabilizing efforts for weakening those governments. It’s been publicly noted about the oddity of ISIS never having threatened or attacked Israel. This peculiarity seems to provide us insight about ISIS and the governments funding it. Recently, Tucker Carlson made the connection that BLM as the same type of force used in the Russian Revolution and it reminded him of the story told by Pyotr Wrangle during the Russian Revolution. Carlson is absolutely correct. I have many times in the past noted the similarity with Bolshevik Russia and post WWII Eastern Europe with what is unfolding here in America now. I have long feared that the conditions for this were being readied, and with Obama announcing in 2008 his "Civilian Security Force", my discomfort and anxiety piqued. Obama said these following words:

"We cannot continue to rely on our military in order to achieve the national security objectives we've set. We've got to have a civilian national security force that's just as powerful, just as strong, just as well-funded."

"We cannot continue to rely only on our military in order to achieve the national security objectives that we've set," Obama said. "We've got to have a civilian national security force that's just as powerful, just as strong, just as well-funded."

Was Antifa and BLM part of the Civilian Security Force that he spoke of? Is Patriot Front’s purpose to trigger a racial war? One that implicates Trump supporters and MAGA? What happened to all the massive amounts of ammunition and firearms that so many State Department agencies purchased during the Obama era? Apparently, I'm not the only one that sees this possibility? Tucker Carlson is right about having visions of BLM when reading about the Russian Civil War.

Just as ISIS is a Mossad operation, the same can be said of Hamas. Ron Paul has provided evidence before Congress that Hamas was created by Israel to weaken and counteract Yasser Arafat’s popularity over the Palestinian people. We even have Hamas carrying the ISIS flag. And a CNN photo of a M4-toting Hamas member proudly sporting a tattoo of the Star of David on his chest. With the balaclava and dark sunglasses, doesn’t have a very similar appearance as Antifa and BLM. Patriot Front members also conceal their identity by wearing dark sunglasses and face scarfs, but the baseball caps and khaki pants are all designed to give a much different appearance than Antifa and BLM. IMHO, I believe this is intentionally done to provide an imagery of Brown Shirt Nazism. The stage is being set. Even conservative radio show pundit Larry Elders can see the connection when he explains the BLM-Hamas Triangle.

All of these are Psy-Op groups used to foment fear to which as Robert Kennedy, Jr. astutely observed in an interview with James O’Keefe is a [preferred] tool of governments for totalitarian purposes. Fanning the flames of fear and hatred, particularly tribalism, prejudice, has been used repeatedly throughout history. He goes on to say that fear is the most potent tool. It is always used to abolish constitutional and civil rights. IMHO, this is what we are facing now. Under the pretext of the Patriot Act, war has been declared against terrorism, but now it has been turned against us and weaponized to silence us. As I have noted before, the legal definition of terrorism is ambiguous. What specifically constitutes 'terrorism'? Who is specifically the enemy?

Terrorism is not ever really defined. It can be anywhere, anyone, at anytime. Just as the war against ‘COVID’ has no borders, the same is true with terrorism. Just as the virus can be lurking anywhere, the same is true with terrorism. It’s a tremendous justification for a police state. The root word for 'terrorism' is 'terror' and is defined when a person or people feels "intense, sharp, overmastering fear", whether real or not. In other words, it is a psychological state of mind. It follows, it is impossible to declare war on an psychological state of mind. Yet, this is precisely what has occurred. The word terrorist is constantly evolving and now can mean a person or thing that is especially annoying or unpleasant to an opposing party. Not agreeing with the government’s policies or explanation, especially after being caught in repeated lies, now makes us all “terrorists’. The 'war on terrorism' is actually a PsyOp and part of the provocateur and terror groups the government has assembled to keep us in fear, confined to our homes without a voice.