ValueFuckingDeep 4 points ago +4 / -0

Thanks J1D!!! Hope you are doing well!!! 🫶

ValueFuckingDeep 7 points ago +7 / -0

Same here. His past may have some sus parts to it, but this drop comes to mind perhaps "Again, good people were forced into bed with this evil under personal and family threats. Could you live with yourself helping to cover up such evil despicable acts if given a safe way out?"


ValueFuckingDeep 6 points ago +6 / -0

Thanks for sharing, that’s a great story. In terms of your second to last paragraph, you’ve come to the right place to restore that hope. Many here have followed Q and believe there is a plan behind the scenes to destroy globalism and return power to the people, hidden technology, free energy and world peace. You’ll find great stuff on here, but personally I’d start with these 2

Capitulation tour cliff notes (there’s longer more detailed ones too)


The plan to save the world


I’m hopeful and I believe many on here are for a better future ahead. 🤙

ValueFuckingDeep 2 points ago +2 / -0

100000% spot on fren, on all this. This is what Q means by "we will be repressed no more". Unfortunately this cannot be forced onto people, individuals have to come to terms that many of our "beliefs" and intent are weaponized against us to keep them in power. IMO the best way to truly understand is to really get uncomfortable and learn about the satanic occult, more specifically the why/where/when they do their rituals, that way one can enter the spiritual war and counter/neutralize their "spells" on these certain dates, times, cycles etc. Anyone who says it's bs or rituals have no effect is still mind controlled by academia and/or religious dogma etc, but on the flip side it does not take many individuals who understand the occult to reverse the course of humanity into higher timelines of love and peace. In the end, even the most "asleep" will understand as their antennas will be upgraded as well like you said. In the meantime keep shining that bright light brother, God bless.

ValueFuckingDeep 1 point ago +3 / -2

Well said, you get it. Personally I am on the fence that there will be an overnight "shift" as some believe, I think it is happening slowly and day by day the frequency of our planet gets higher. Evil cannot survive in a high frequency of love (highest frequency) but strive in low frequencies of fear (lowest frequency), this means slowly by the day we are kicking out these evil interdimensional beings off our planet and so the DS is having to speed up their games and reveal their hand more and more everyday for all to see and more people "wake up". Once we hit critical mass, think 100th monkey effect, things will change forever. Through things like lunar cycles and 25,000 cycles etc etc new energies are coming to earth neutral but we are taking them and making them positive or high frequency vs their black magick and witchcraft. They don't do ritual sacrifices simply because they are pedos who like to kill, there is a reason they do this and often over electro magnetic ley lines (Masonic lodges are always on ley lines as an example). They plug that negative energy into the ley lines to keep us in the "matrix", but on the flip side it only takes a small group of self selected individuals to combat it with high frequencies which trumps their low frequencies tenfold. We have a very bright and excited future ahead.

ValueFuckingDeep 2 points ago +2 / -0

lol what uppp

Yeah that girl def puts lots of effort in her posts but holy shit it's all about destruction and this blowing up and that blowing up and Trump's plane blowing up like wtf...numerology is 100% used by these people no doubt, but the problem with numerology is that you can also use it to fit many different narratives and use it to correlate with just about anything, she doesn't seem to understand that part

ValueFuckingDeep 2 points ago +2 / -0

Commenting to watch later thank you.

I am on the fence when it comes to Tore and her true motives personally, although she quite often has good information. Definitely very full of herself though.

ValueFuckingDeep 30 points ago +32 / -2

Original Elon perhaps but not Qelon, dude is red pilling the world and going to have the stream with the highest viewership in history on Monday night with the Trump interview

This shadow of Ezra posts lots of larp and tons of fake predictions

ValueFuckingDeep 1 point ago +1 / -0

Hope you are doing well J1D !!

ValueFuckingDeep 1 point ago +1 / -0

Exactly, it pushed buttons which manifested into reactions like they intended..

ValueFuckingDeep 10 points ago +10 / -0

They used this word for a very specific reason, it's black magik. Dude is spot on, but do not let the word affect your emotions in any way and don't give your attention to it. In the end this is a spiritual war and a war for our minds and casting "spells" with word magik is very real even if it sounds outlandish and/or retarded.


1 of 2


1 : of strange or extraordinary character : odd, fantastic

2 : of, relating to, or caused by witchcraft or the supernatural : magical

ValueFuckingDeep 2 points ago +2 / -0

Great post. No one knows for sure. Most are not taking the 40,000 ft view and acting like they were there. Trump also mentioned 93 four times right before the shot. That is a very symbolic number in the black magik occult circles. Perhaps a reference to Thelema Cult 93..

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