No. Only the sons of Judah are technically "jews" as far as I know. The sons of Shem are the Semites. The sons of Israel(Jacob) were called the Israelites.
So technically all Israelites and Judahites are Semites, all judahites are Israelites but not all israelites are jews. Of course this is just my understanding.
I have also hears the 'jew' was a generic name for people from Judea which was mostly followers of Abrahamic religions a d it just kind of stuck.
No. Only the sons of Judah are technically "jews" as far as I know. The sons of Shem are the Semites. The sons of Israel(Jacob) were called the Israelites.
So technically all Israelites and Judahites are Semites, all judahites are Israelites but not all israelites are jews. Of course this is just my understanding.
I have also hears the 'jew' was a generic name for people from Judea which was mostly followers of Abrahamic religions a d it just kind of stuck.