Ashkenazi "jews" FILLED THE RANKS of Hitlers secret police who rounded up REAL JEWS, to the point they could no longer DENY it and instead retell it as if it's sime heroic tale of bravely being behind enemy lines and the sadness of the "wartime desperation" that caused them to voluntarily give up their fellows.... malarkey!!!!
And then we have the nazi term.... the term nazi originated as a way of saying Hitler was being puppeteered by the AshkeNAZI jews. It's not short for the Nationalsozialist party. That's ridiculous. That's not an offensive abbreviation at all. Not even a little. But, due to the ACTUAL MEANING OF THE WORD WHICH HAS BEEN DETERMINEDLY STAMPED OUT OF EXISTENCE PRACTICALLY, Hitler hated the term. He hated it.
Adolf Hitler NEVER EVEN UTTERED THE WORD NAZI. They don't teach you THAT in school!
I really want to get a long listen into them as I really do not believe he would say some of the things he is credited of....
Frankly, I think this should be done for ALL of the Worlds Most Prominent Leaders, in every language, so we can then try to piece together the strangeness of this insanity we must live with....
If you search Bitchute Hitler speech’s in English a couple come up. It’s interesting that this Biblical post has had one of the top number of comments, but disappeared from being a top post. It was stickied but then removed. Strange.
Ashkenazi "jews" FILLED THE RANKS of Hitlers secret police who rounded up REAL JEWS, to the point they could no longer DENY it and instead retell it as if it's sime heroic tale of bravely being behind enemy lines and the sadness of the "wartime desperation" that caused them to voluntarily give up their fellows.... malarkey!!!!
And then we have the nazi term.... the term nazi originated as a way of saying Hitler was being puppeteered by the AshkeNAZI jews. It's not short for the Nationalsozialist party. That's ridiculous. That's not an offensive abbreviation at all. Not even a little. But, due to the ACTUAL MEANING OF THE WORD WHICH HAS BEEN DETERMINEDLY STAMPED OUT OF EXISTENCE PRACTICALLY, Hitler hated the term. He hated it.
Adolf Hitler NEVER EVEN UTTERED THE WORD NAZI. They don't teach you THAT in school!
Have you heard the Translation Tapes of Hitler speaking English when giving his speeches???
They can get very interesting, IF you can find them....
You can find them on Bitchute.
Good, do you have a preliminary link???
I really want to get a long listen into them as I really do not believe he would say some of the things he is credited of....
Frankly, I think this should be done for ALL of the Worlds Most Prominent Leaders, in every language, so we can then try to piece together the strangeness of this insanity we must live with....
If you search Bitchute Hitler speech’s in English a couple come up. It’s interesting that this Biblical post has had one of the top number of comments, but disappeared from being a top post. It was stickied but then removed. Strange.