posted ago by jhartz39 ago by jhartz39 +263 / -2

How many times has President Trump stood at the podium and told the American people that the mainstream media is corrupt, the media is the enemy of the people, accusing the media of treason? He does this while pointing at them in the back row saying, "Look they just turned off their cameras".

I want to say up front, the Jewish people are just like you and me, they are in the same position as us Americans are, they live under the rule of a treasonous government. Our politicians in Washington DC are enemies of the people. The Jewish people of Israel are living under the identical treasonous governmental system. The "Elite" jews are Zionist and/or Kazarians. Infact, the treasonous government of Israel has infiltrated many sectors of our own society and our government. They have used bribery and blackmail to achieve their goals over time. (Epstein/Mossad honeypot system ring a bell?)

Why was the term antisemitism created? Why are there antidefamation orgs like the ADL standing in the shadows forcing compliance against language that could be harmful to the Zionist? Do you know any other class of people that has this type of protection? You know who your enemy is when you are forbidden to talk about them.

Like I said above, typically the negative language directed at Israel is not centered on its people, it is directed at its government. However, the Zionists who control the media use "antisemitism" as a firewall to prevent derogatory language about their race of people as a whole, but in actuality, the Elite are ONLY trying to protect themselves and limit talk about their own evil deeds. It makes it very hard to talk about your enemy when your conversation about your enemy is deemed illegal, thus the antisemitism rhetoric that is constantly spewed puts your enemy behind a curtain of secrecy.

Like I said above, Trump calls the mainstream media the enemy of the people. Do we not trust President Trump? Sure we do and in a covert way he is exposing the true enemy. Who controls our media? I'm sure you all have seen these memes and these pictures speak a thousand words.






What you need to have a firm grasp on is how the Rothchilds, who control the Zionist and Kazarian's, take money out of your pocket. Through the system of debt.

Our politicians pass the bills to spend our money, this creates debt.

Your federal income taxes pays the interest on that debt.

That interest is sent to the City of Rome through the US Corporation.

The money is stored in the Vatican Bank.

The Tri-city.

Three Corporations run the world: City of London, Washington DC and Vatican City


What you need to realize here, the Rothchild fortune was stored at the Vatican Bank. The Vatican has never been audited which made it the perfect place to hide ill-gotten gains. Anyway, President Trump confiscated it.

President Trump rolled the Federal Reserve in to the Treasury.

President Trump told the Queen we were ending the US Corporation.

Thus, the flow of money rolling into the Zionist pockets had been turned off.

Russia rolled into Ukraine and destroyed the Kazarian Army, Azov Battalion.

We have seen the Nazi symbols worn by the Azov Brigade.

Yet, Israel funds them. Why would the Zionist fund a Nazi army?

The Azov Brigade is the personal army of the Rothchilds.

Biden sends billions to Ukraine.

They need this money because their cash flow has been eliminated, the US Corporation.

Money is laundered to the NWO parties and back to our politicians.

(When I say NWO, this is UN, WEF, World Monetary Fund, World Bank, the Zionist, the Kazarian, the Rothchilds, many other elite and world leaders, all in bed together. This is the Globalists)

Our Speaker of the House gets dethroned, ends the Ukraine money flow.

A new war starts in Israel to keep the revenue stream flowing.

The world is de-dollarizing.

Federal Reserve is buying back bonds.

This means all the debt we owed to foreign countries is being rolled back into the federal reserve/Treasury.

All this debt and fiat money was created from thin air and it will all vanish into thin air when our currency implodes and the federal reserve is eliminated.

President Trump takes the wealth confiscated from the Rothchild/Vatican bank and we start over. Trump has essentially reversed the system that has been stealing from us for many decades. We start new system with all the money that was stolen from us for many years.

Ron Paul told you Israel created Hamas, just like Obama created ISIS. You need an enemy to pull war money that can be laundered to the corrupt. Remember, bankers feed both sides of every war.


When Israel says they were attacked by Hamas, I imagine, yes, there was some violence, few people were killed, few things got blown up, but the entire incident was extremely over exaggerated.

I keep hearing reports of babies being killed and raped in Israel. This is 5th generation warfare. Pulling at your emotions. Remember the propaganda we were force fed about babies being thrown from their incubators in Kuwait? We were told the Iraqi army did this which laid the platform for the invasion of Iraq. This testimony was given by a young girl who was the daughter of a Kuwaiti Ambassador to the USA. It was pure war time propaganda.

"How False Testimony and a Massive U.S. Propaganda Machine Bolstered George H.W. Bush’s War on Iraq"


I suspect either Israel shut down their own defense system or the white hats shut it down for them. What does an attack like this do to the credibility of the Israeli government? This may have been the needed tipping point to get the people to rise against the Zionist.

Anyway, the media is now blowing the attack way out of proportion so the American politicians can insist the money laundering process to be re-established.

Secondly, the Zionist needs the US military to protect it. They have been using our military for their world domination agenda for many years. Zionists have made many enemies, and they are surrounded by them. IDF whistleblowers are speaking out. Who will protect the Zionist when the IDF stands down and the people rise? This is part of the Q plan, Israel is saved for last.

Here is a Minister in Israeli government kicked out a hospital from yesterday, "you are responsible for this, you ruined this government". I bet many Israeli people feel this way.


Plus, the Israeli people are waking up to the mandated vaccines they were forced to take.

Zionists have to be getting worried.

Iran and Russia have military ties, China is backing Russia. Russia has a contract to protect Syria. Iran is working on diplomatic ties with Syria. India supports Russia. Syria working on diplomatic ties with Sadia Arabia. Trump has Saudi Arabia in his pocket. All of these nations are joining BRICS eliminating the Rothchild international banking system.

There is a multinational alliance forming and surrounding Israel. The Zionists will have one option soon, denuclearize and conform to the will of surrounding nations.

President Trump presented the Abraham Accords to bring peace to Israel and middle east nations. Trump keeps telling us he is the only person who can stop World War 3. I think the World War 3 warning will be a standoff between Israel and a number of countries wishing to destroy the Zionist. Then, the international banking system will be dead, the cabal will be defunded, United Nations will be defunded, the entire NWO system collapses and dies. Let the Nuremburg trials begin or perhaps, the people deal with it themselves.

Have a good day!!!