So an opinion without merit or weight; an opinion that we should continue devaluing our cash to no benefit to our own citizenry in a battle that Israel themselves have a part in the instigation and continuation of.
Why is it so hard for people to understand that we shouldn't be policing the world? For years people said that, and now the same people are willing to piss away lives and cash for foreign wars that are not conducive to our continued survival and prosperity.
So an opinion without merit or weight; an opinion that we should continue devaluing our cash to no benefit to our own citizenry in a battle that Israel themselves have a part in the instigation and continuation of.
Why is it so hard for people to understand that we shouldn't be policing the world? For years people said that, and now the same people are willing to piss away lives and cash for foreign wars that are not conducive to our continued survival and prosperity.