posted ago by Rooks ago by Rooks +14 / -1

I don't recall anyone addressing this, so sorry if it is duplicate post.

So one carrier fleet is overkill to show military presence IMO. Two fleets, that is a bit much isn't it? So my question is, what is Trump thinking?

Stability in the middle east? yes

but who is he trying to stabliize?







SA is a strong Trump/Real USA ally. Did they request support/protection so they wouldnt have to get directly involved?

Prevent Iran from escalating?

Taliban requested passage to jump in the fray, is it time biblically?

Are the Abraham accords breaking down? Remember Israel didnt want to join at first, Trump had to stay 3 days to get them on board. (Unscheduled)

Maybe Trump didnt realize the extent of their DS infestation?

Israel counter attack on Gaza, to what extent? Just reclaiming land? No

Revenge? Kinda yeah, ok.

Resource grab? Getting closer, but eh, how hard up are they for oil and stuff?

. .

Trump messaging. Seems to have some comms injected, but not really clear on pro/neg Israel? Obviously anti Israeli DS, but what about country?

Sounds more like just trying to stabilize the region?

Sorry for rambling, not sure where this is going except to stimulate more conversation.