Lets start off with, you don't know the plan. We were never given the plan. Only hints of things to come. I think part of your current attitude is due to, you have an idea in your head of what was supposed to happen, convinced yourself it was the plan, and now you are black pilling yourself because it didn't.
That said, have you tried ...
Becoming a precinct captain and help root out election corruption at the source?
Lets start off with, you don't know the plan. We were never given the plan. Only hints of things to come. I think part of your current attitude is due to, you have an idea in your head of what was supposed to happen, convinced yourself it was the plan, and now you are black pilling yourself because it didn't.
That said, have you tried ...
Becoming a precinct captain and help root out election corruption at the source?
Run for local office?
Attend town halls and voice your opinion?
Go to MAGA rallies to help show our numbers?
Organize or join local MAGA groups?
Excellent comment. This should be a post.