posted ago by MAG768720 ago by MAG768720 +66 / -0

The Food and Drug Administration is proposing a ban on using formaldehyde as an ingredient in hair relaxers, a huge step in raising awareness about the potential harms such products create...

The FDA currently discourages consumers from using hair-straightening products that contain formaldehyde and similar ingredients...

Formaldehyde is a colorless, flammable gas that’s used in a wide variety of household products, including medicines and cosmetics ... It’s highly toxic, and repeated exposure can irritate the eyes, skin, lungs and throat. It is also linked to certain cancers, including myeloid leukemia...

Even products that don’t contain formaldehyde as a main ingredient may contain other ingredients that, when heated, can be converted into formaldehyde, such as methylene glycol...

Some soaps, shampoos, lotions and cleaning products contain formalin, which is formaldehyde dissolved in water.


These are all products that can go ON your body or NEAR your body.

What about formaldehyde that are in vaccines that are injected INTO your body?

No mention of that.

Just more ammo for the psyop war counterattack against the non-thinking normies.